Scotty McDog and Kitty O’Cat Backstory
The story of Scotty McDog and Kitty O’Cat began around
1992, when my daughter, Cherie, was 6 years old.
Desperate for money and embroiled in a difficult
family, I happened upon an ad in a doctor’s office magazine
announcing the soon approaching deadline for the first
“Dr. Seuss Picturebook Award Contest”.
Late to the game and on a tight deadline, I feverishly
labored, while working full-time and trying to keep my
family intact. The text came together quickly. Then, on a
wobbly TV tray, using my kids’ colored pencils and copy paper,
I made the sketches. My daughter, on the floor beside me,
diligently colored on copies of the pages. I made my first
ever three watercolor paintings to submit with my entry.
Alas, I did not win. However, over 25 years later, I picked the
project back up and completed the paintings for the
rest of the book. And here it is!
I hope every reader finds something in my story.
When so many must relocate for financial or other reasons,
it is timely to reflect on the value of friendships--even
cross-generation, cross-nation, cross-gender, cross-color,
cross-species friendships!
More about Scotty & Kitty and friends at WhatNowThis.com,
as well as printable song sheet!
Written and presented with love…Denia
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